Saturday, March 26, 2005
Get to Know George Greer Before You Wish Him Dead
George Greer is a husband and father of twins, now adults. As a twelve-year-old, he pitched the first no-hitter in the history of Dunedin, Florida's Little League. While in college he shared a house with, among other people, Jim Morrison of The Doors. Don't let that fool you, though, he was and is a Republican, supporting conservative Barry Goldwater's presidential run in 1964. Greer is a Southern Baptist who offered a kidney to a friend in need of one, something he doesn't like to talk about. He's also received hundreds of emails calling him a 'murderer.' Yesterday, a man in North Carolina was arrested for offering a $50,000 bounty for the death of George Greer. The pastor in the church I used to attend preached last Sunday that he wished God would strike George Greer dead.
That's Judge George Greer, the Pinnelas Pasco circuit court judge who works in the probate division handling wills, estates and guardianships. If you've finally put two and two together, you probably realize that Judge George Greer is the judge who allowed the feeding tube to be removed from Terri Schiavo. He didn't physically remove it, or even order it removed as some have reported. He allowed the husband of Terri Schiavo, her legal guardian, to remove the feeding tube. He is a probate judge, after all, and guardianship is one of his areas of expertise. For those who want to continue to believe the man is a monster, when the appelate court ruled that Michael Schiavo could remove the tube, Greer stayed that ruling until last Friday, allowing the family more time to consider their options.
People want to believe Judge George Greer is a monster. He's simply following the law, and considering that this case has been going on since 1994, it's pretty clear that the part of Terri's family that wants to continue to keep her alive has been adequetly represented. They got the Governor of Florida to step in, they got the state legislature to pass legislation that was ruled unconstituional by the Florida supreme court. The got the congress to pass a law moving the case into the federal court system. They've had ample opportunity.
The family keeps coming up with stuff, though. Yesterday they claimed Terri tried to speak, tried to say, "I want to live." I'm not going to say anything bad about the family or their hope. I wish what they were saying was true, but they're seeing and hearing what they want to believe.
I will say bad things about those who are using this case for their own political ends. Tom DeLay, who could be president some day, stated yesterday that Terri was a gift from God for conservatives to show their desire to protect life. That on Good Friday, the commemoration of God actually sending all of his people the gift of life through his Son. Seeing this case used for political gain is the most callous thing I've ever heard of. I wish nothing good for the Tom DeLay. Don't mistake me, I do not wish any ill on Tom DeLay, I am not wishing that God or some whack-job from North Carolina strike Tom DeLay dead. I wish that Tom DeLay lose any election he may find himself in in the future, particularly if that election should be for President of the United States.
That's Judge George Greer, the Pinnelas Pasco circuit court judge who works in the probate division handling wills, estates and guardianships. If you've finally put two and two together, you probably realize that Judge George Greer is the judge who allowed the feeding tube to be removed from Terri Schiavo. He didn't physically remove it, or even order it removed as some have reported. He allowed the husband of Terri Schiavo, her legal guardian, to remove the feeding tube. He is a probate judge, after all, and guardianship is one of his areas of expertise. For those who want to continue to believe the man is a monster, when the appelate court ruled that Michael Schiavo could remove the tube, Greer stayed that ruling until last Friday, allowing the family more time to consider their options.
People want to believe Judge George Greer is a monster. He's simply following the law, and considering that this case has been going on since 1994, it's pretty clear that the part of Terri's family that wants to continue to keep her alive has been adequetly represented. They got the Governor of Florida to step in, they got the state legislature to pass legislation that was ruled unconstituional by the Florida supreme court. The got the congress to pass a law moving the case into the federal court system. They've had ample opportunity.
The family keeps coming up with stuff, though. Yesterday they claimed Terri tried to speak, tried to say, "I want to live." I'm not going to say anything bad about the family or their hope. I wish what they were saying was true, but they're seeing and hearing what they want to believe.
I will say bad things about those who are using this case for their own political ends. Tom DeLay, who could be president some day, stated yesterday that Terri was a gift from God for conservatives to show their desire to protect life. That on Good Friday, the commemoration of God actually sending all of his people the gift of life through his Son. Seeing this case used for political gain is the most callous thing I've ever heard of. I wish nothing good for the Tom DeLay. Don't mistake me, I do not wish any ill on Tom DeLay, I am not wishing that God or some whack-job from North Carolina strike Tom DeLay dead. I wish that Tom DeLay lose any election he may find himself in in the future, particularly if that election should be for President of the United States.