Sunday, March 27, 2005


First One

First One
Originally uploaded by Blind Orange Julius.
OK, maybe it wasn't my first beer after lent, but I thought I should post a photo of my enjoying a glass of the new brew since I photo-documented every aspect of the brewing process. Good news! Beer is every bit as tastey as I remember.......

The honor of the first beer after lent, though, was another homebrew, a cream stout brewed by TSA for Tim. Thanks to both of them, one for buying the ingredients, the other for combining said ingredients and allowing a place for the yeast to work it's magic.

That first brew was enjoyed over conversation, as the best beers are. TSA and I discussed religion and those who work under the guise of religion. Heady stuff, then again, the beer had a good head on it, so it was quite fitting. We didn't solve all of the world's problems, but we enjoyed a good brew and gained a better understanding of where we stand on this planet. I've hardly accomplished more in an evening.

Oh yeah, we played poker again. Damn it if I wasn't the first one out again. Pocket 10's aren't much good, even in a six handed game, and that was the best hand I had all night. TSA also failed to win a hand. Dave was out shortly after him, Tim hung in for a little while longer. But no, once again it was ladies' night at Casino TSA. I was busy playing music while the final hands went down, but apparently Corrinne (I really need to learn how to spell her name if I'm gonna blog about her) took out Erica in the end. So in our little Saturday night game, Tim and I are the only ones who have failed to win. Since I can't seem to avoid being the first one out, I'd have to bet that Tim will get to take home all of the fake money long before me. Then again, I'm horrible at predictions.


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