Wednesday, March 09, 2005


But It's Cheaper Than Actual Therapy.....

So, where've you been? Oh, I forgot, I'm the one who's been missing. Seems I've been not doing a number of things lately that I'd been doing with great regularity (I'm not talking about bathroom stuff here). Missed my first Cheers Sunday night open mic in well over a year. That was indirectly linked by Shawn to a fire that could potentially destroyed quite a bit of Abby Someone's gear. SMB, if you're looking for a good luck charm, fine, but I wouldn't pick me as your first choice.

I haven't actually picked up a musical instrument since Saturday except to violently throw a harmonica at a wall. Oops! Gotta have a little more respect than that. I'll never make a living with music, but I gotta remember it's all about the fun. 957 was still fun, on stage, at least, up to the very end. If the way that all ended up didn't make me hate music, then nothing should.

Stopped doing the political cartooning too. That may have indirectly lead to a freelance job opportunity, but I'll keep that under my hat for the time being. Sounds like it would be better as a fun gig and a portfolio builder than a money making enterprise. At least I potentially would get something out of it.

And that was the whole problem. Personal satisfaction is cool, but you have to look at things at the right angle to see it sometimes. It's pretty hard to do that when you're hanging your head in self pity. So I'm trying to change my perspective a little bit, hold my head up, and see things in a different light.

It's pretty fitting that one of the things I'm known for is playing the BNL song "Brian Wilson." It's a song about deep depression, the type that the Beach Boy's Brian Wilson went through at different periods in his life. He was pretty incapacitated by his depression, I just didn't want to play music, or make silly photos, or get out of bed, or eat......

But that's the past. Nothing's really changed, I just have to look at things differently. I also have a lot of things I need to change in my life, but that will all come in time. I have to deal with what's happening right now and worry about the others when I come to them.

I have to thank a couple of people for just being there. MonyP smacked me around a little bit, wouldn't put up with my bullshit, told me when I was wrong, supported me when I was right. TSA knew when to leave me alone, when not to push, but made it clear that he cared. At the time that's exactly what I needed. Hopefully these two people will get to meet each other soon, that'll be a really good day, you know, like how a nice cold beer is great on it's own, but that shot of bourbon makes it all that much better. Most people would go the ice cream and sprinkles analogy or some other such nonsense, but damn it, I like beer.

I don't suppose any of that answers what I've been doing the last couple of days, but what are you gonna do? That's as good as it's gonna get.


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